
In our service area you will find practical downloadable documents along with answers to frequently asked questions. Please don’t hesitate to contact us should you need further information –

Our offer:

Servis LKW a PKW
Pneuservis LKW a PKW
Parking on a secured parking lot
Car wash for trucks
Warehousing space for rent

If you want more informations about servis and pneuservis, please contact us on

We have available warehousing space at our site in Nitra (west of Slovakia).

Here is what we can offer you:

600 m2 warehousing space
600 m2 open air storage space

These spaces are at your disposal as part of our logistics concept of flexibly meeting your requirements. Our experience in handling goods covers light and heavy cargo, hazardous material as well as highly sensitive goods like household appliances or automotive components.

We provide you the professional warehousing you are seeking thanks to our well-trained personnel and ideal equipment:

Block storage and high bay racking
Modern storage technique
Warehouse management to fit your needs.

We carry out all transportation with our own fleet.

We’re committed to helping you. Feel free to contact us on

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